- My Foray Into Feeds

A month or two ago, I started looking for an RSS client again. I had tried some a year or two ago but never really liked them. I now have greater reason to keep track of a few blogs and other RSS sources. There seem to be quite few now.

All the Readers a Local Client
Okay. Not all, but nearly all of the RSS readers are local clients which means installing another piece of software on a machine already full of it. What I wanted was a daily or thrice daily email with updates on all my favorite feeds. Simple. But none of the online sites I browsed provided what I wanted.

Rolling My Own
So I had a free weekend on my hands. I could have spent it fishing but I don't fish. I could have spent it golfing but I don't golf anymore. So I registered RSSJAM.COM and wrote a little file based ASP.NET app that would do what I wanted.

Daily Emails
Now I get three emails a day with a nice HTML formatted message that shows me my feeds with the stories that have been posted in the last 24 hours listed at the top.

Explosive Growth
After a month or two of telling a few people about it, only 16 people have signed up to use RssJam for free, so I don't expect it to be a huge hit or make me a ton of money. But it's a fun and useful tool. And for those of you who spent the time to read this post, if you want, just shoot me an email and ask for the code. I'll be happy to zip it up and send it to you. Who knows, you might set up your own site inside your team to keep track of all your teams blogs. Or whatever.

The link to email me is at the bottom of the left column here.