Trying to Be a Latter-day Saint

The name of the church I attend is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Paul called the members of the church in the meridian of time saints. Those who believed in Christ and sought to understand and practice the gospel of repentance which he had taught were known then as saints. Not because they had performed miracles but because they relied on the miracles of Christ, especially that of the Atonement.

They were not perfect. Nor are his latter-day saints. As we strive to become like him, let us remember the words of one who serves him.

“If we don’t try, we’re just latter-day sinners; if we don’t persevere, we’re latter-day quitters; and if we don’t allow others to try, we’re just latter-day hypocrites” ~Dale G. Renlund, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.