We Are Mortal - Weak and Imperfect

I believe it's healthy to realize that all people make mistakes and have weaknesses and fall far short of perfection. This includes all who serve in Church leadership.

It's equally unhealthy to assume that Church leaders are infallible or beyond reproach. There has been far too much of that and it has damaged many lives. We must stop doing that.

As long as it's run by mortal men, the Church will make mistakes and eventual corrections. For decades many tried to convince us otherwise. It often resulted in testimonies, based on false assumptions, too easily assailed.

Only the Lord is perfect. Thankfully He has an amazing capacity for patience as He works with weak men to bring about His purposes on earth.

I fully sustain Church leaders but have never believed they are more than men and women who struggle every day, just like the rest of us, to serve God in the best way they know how.